Online Journal System (OJS) Denpasar Institute adalah sistem penerbitan jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Divisi Jurnal Ilmiah Denpasar Institute

Data history dalam wujud artikel ilmiah merupakan bagian penting dari perjalanan riset seseorang. Publikasi hasil riset merupakan 'roh' bagi seorang periset. Untuk menjembatani proses ini, Pusat Sains Data dan Teknologi Informasi, Denpasar Institute mengelola data history para periset di berbagai jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan secara berkala.

Jurnal ilmiah Denpasar Institute memuat artikel ilmiah sebagai luaran hasil riset dari para praktisi. periset, profesor, dosen, guru, dan mahasiswa.

Jurnal ilmiah terbitan Denpasar Institute dikelola oleh journal managers, editors, reviewers dan staf admin dengan latar keilmuan sesuai journal scope. Ini dilakukan untuk menjaga mutu dan profesionalisme terbitan jurnal agar sesuai dengan aturan dan standar etika kepenulisan dan bebas dari konflik kepentingan.

Kami menyampaikan terima kasih banyak atas kesediaan dan kepercayaan Bapak/Ibu yang bergabung bersama kami untuk mengelola jurnal ilmiah terbitan Denpasar Institute, Lembaga Riset & Pengembangan SDM.

Kami memberi kesempatan kepada calon editors dan reviewers yang sesuai dengan bidang ilmu dan skup jurnal untuk bergabung di Jurnal Ilmiah Denpasar Institute.

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Denpasar Institute memberikan benefits kepada editors dan reviewers berupa:

- SK Editor dan/atau Reviewer

- Sertifikat Editors dan/atau Reviewers

- Jejaring Periset berlatar Akademisi dan Praktisi

- Ruang Ekspresi dan Kreatifitas Ilmiah

Berikut daftar jurnal yang dikelola via OJS Denpasar Institute:.

1. Jurnal SDM dan Ekonomi Terapan (JSET)
2. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Teknologi Pembelajaran (JPTP)
3. Jurnal Sains Ekonomi dan Akutansi (JSEA)
4. Jurnal Sains Pariwisata dan Perhotelan (JSPP)
5. Jurnal Neraca Keadilan (JNK)
6. Jurnal Aplikasi dan Inovasi IPTEK (JASINTEK)
7. Jurnal Sains Data dan Kecerdasan Artifisial (JSDKA)
8. Jurnal Komputasi Terapan dan Sistem Aplikasi (JKTSA)
9. Journal of Health Promotion and Service Management (JHPSM)
10. Journal of Creative Design and Digital Communication (JCDDC)
11. International Journal of Linguistics and Discourse Analytics (IJOLIDA)
12. International Journal of Art and Socio-Cultural Studies (IJAS)
Salam literasi ilmiah dan berjejaring riset

Daftar Sitasi Jurnal di Indonesia versi Indonesian Science Index (Sinta) :
Daftar jurnal yang masuk blacklist tim PAK DIKTI :


  • International Journal of Linguistics and Discourse Analytics

    International Journal of Linguistics and Discourse Analytics (IJOLIDA) is a peer-reviewed academic journal of linguistics and discourse analytics published by Language, Art and Culture Center of Denpasar Institute. The journal publishes both articles and book reviews. It publishes two special issues a year.

    The Journal has been ACCREDITED (SINTA 5) as a scientific journal under the decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, dated April 07, 2022, the Decree Number 105/E/KPT/2022, and effective until 2025.

    IJOLIDA welcomes papers from across disciplinary and interdisciplinary research traditions that reflect principled application of qualitative, quantitative or mixed methodological paradigms and research designs. Papers must be relevant to an international readership.


  • Journal of Health Promotion and Service Management

    Journal of Health Promotion and Service Management (JHPSM) publishes scientific articles to the scopes of Public Health, Health Promotion, Health Behavior, Health Service Management, Health Economics, Health Insurances, Health Workers, Health Professional Practices, Pharmacy Practice, Nursing Practice, Community Nursing, Palliative care, Epidemiology, and Pharmacoepidemiology. 

    JHPSM welcomes papers from across disciplinary and interdisciplinary research traditions that reflect principled application of qualitative, quantitative or mixed methodological paradigms and research designs. Papers must be relevant to an international readership.

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  • Jurnal Aplikasi dan Inovasi IPTEK

    JURNAL APLIKASI DAN INOVASI IPTEK diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan April dan Oktober. Jurnal Aplikasi dan Inovasi Iptek memuat tentang artikel yang berkait dengan hasil penelitian dan pengabdian berupa TTG (Teknologi Tepat Guna), purwarupa, mesin, model, desain, sistem, aplikasi, dan bentuk lainnya yang potensial dapat dimanfaatkan ataupun sudah dimanfaatkan oleh mitra/pengguna, seperti: instansi pemerintah, masyarakat ekonomi produktif (UKM, UMKM, Koperasi, dan bentu usaha lainnya), dan masyakat umum.

    Jurnal telah TERAKREDITASI (SINTA 5) sebagai jurnal ilmiah berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia, tanggal 03 Oktober 2022, Surat Keputusan Nomor 204/E/KPT/2022 , dan efektif sampai tahun 2025.

    Tujuan Penerbitan dari Jurnal Aplikasi dan Inovasi Iptek ini adalah sebagai wadah bagi para pelaksana penelitian dan pengabdian dari kalangan dosen maupun kelompok lainnya untuk memberikan informasi tentang Aplikasi dan Inovasi Iptek yang didesiminasikan kepada masyarakat yang membutuhkan. Diharapkan dengan terbitnya Jurnal Aplikasi dan Inovasi Iptek ini dapat memberikan pengetahuan dan pengalaman kepada masyarakat luas dalam berbagai aspek Iptek dan Inovasi yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat.

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  • International Journal of Art and Socio-Cultural Studies

    International Journal of Art and Socio-Cultural Studies (IJAS) is a peer-reviewed, international journal that publishes high-quality original research articles in the field of art and socio-cultural studies. IJAS focuses on examining how the fields of art history, visual culture, film and media studies, museum and exhibition practice can illuminate key questions about human creativity and society. The journal invites submissions from across the humanities, social sciences (including anthropology), cultural geography, philosophy and sociology. Topics may include but are not limited to: Critical theory; Visual culture; Museum studies; Media theory; Cultural politics/identity; Aesthetics/art criticism.

    The International Journal of Art and Socio-Cultural Studies (IJAS) welcomes submissions for its upcoming issues. We invite researchers, scholars, and practitioners from various disciplines to submit their original and unpublished works related to art and socio-cultural studies.

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  • Jurnal Sains Ekonomi dan Akuntansi

    Jurnal Sains Ekonomi dan Akuntansi (JSEA) is a multidisciplinary scientific journal whose research studies and studies are in the fields of economics and accounting. By focusing on high-quality articles, JSEA provides a forum for academics, researchers and practitioners to share knowledge about economic and accounting phenomena. With strict publication ethical standards, JSEA is committed to driving scientific progress and contributing to the development of economics and accounting broadly.

  • Jurnal SDM dan Ekonomi Terapan

    Jurnal SDM dan Ekonomi Terapan (JSET). This journal presents an in-depth analysis of the interconnection between Human Resources (HR) and the implementation of applied economics in enhancing organizational competitiveness amidst the challenges of globalization. This research explores how investing in the development of HR can assist organizations in achieving operational efficiency, productivity, and innovation, which positively impact economic growth.

  • Jurnal Pendidikan dan Teknologi Pembelajaran

    This journal presents an in-depth exploration of the fusion between education and learning technology, aiming to optimize the learning process at various educational levels. In this advancing digital era, technology holds immense potential to contribute positively to the development of more effective and interactive teaching methods. The articles within this journal delve into crucial aspects of combining education and technology, ranging from fundamental concepts to real-world implementations. Authors from diverse backgrounds are provided a platform to share their research, experiences, and insights on how technology can be seamlessly integrated into classrooms.

  • Jurnal Sains Pariwisata dan Perhotelan

    Jurnal Sains Pariwisata dan Perhotelan (JSPP) is a scholarly publication on the latest developments in the tourism and hospitality industry. Through interdisciplinary approaches, it covers topics from tourist preferences, hotel and restaurant management, to tourism marketing strategies. Its aim is to contribute to the industry with innovations, practical solutions, and fresh insights to enhance service quality, operational efficiency, and destination sustainability. JSPP also considers the global impact of tourism on the environment, culture, and economies across countries.

  • Jurnal Komputasi Terapan dan Sistem Aplikasi

    Journal of Applied Computing and Application Systems is a scientific journal that focuses on the field of applied computing and application systems. This journal may cover topics such as software development, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, image and sound processing, computer networks, databases, computer security, and other information technology applications.
    The Journal of Applied Computing and Application Systems may be aimed at researchers, academics, professionals, and students who are interested in applied computing and the application of application systems in various fields. Through the publication of quality articles, this journal aims to encourage knowledge exchange and collaboration between experts in the scientific community.
  • Journal of Creative Design and Digital Communication

    The Journal of Creative Design and Digital Communication is a dynamic hub where the worlds of imaginative design and digital interaction meet. We bring together experts, thinkers, and creators to explore the exciting fusion of visual aesthetics and technology-driven communication. From the art of telling stories through visuals to understanding how our interactions with technology shape our lives, our journal is a space for unlocking new ideas and sharing insights about the captivating realm of creativity and digital communication.

  • Jurnal Sains Data dan Kecerdasan Artifisial

    This journal depicts the increasingly intertwined relationship between data science and artificial intelligence (AI) and their impacts on various aspects of human life. Data science and AI have emerged as major driving forces in the ongoing digital transformation across various industries and disciplines. This article discusses their fundamental roles in translating raw data into valuable insights, enabling better decision-making, and predicting future trends.

  • Jurnal Neraca Keadilan

    Jurnal Neraca Keadilan (JUNEK) is a publication that serves as a platform for scholarly publications derived from research, both field research and literature research. This journal is a high-quality open-access research journal published by the Guna Widya Paramesthi Foundation in collaboration with the Public Studies Center, Denpasar Institute. JUNEK welcomes research articles from researchers, teachers, students, academics, professionals, and practitioners. This journal is published every May and November.